Do Not Suffer In Silence
Forensic Psychiatrists are specially trained psychiatrists who hold advanced credentials in mental health concerns and how they intersect with legal matters in criminal and civil cases. A Forensic Psychiatrist can be retained as a consultant or expert witness.
In the United States, forensic psychiatry is governed by a strict code of ethics. These ethics come from the Principles of Medical Ethics as codified by the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (“AAPL”). These codes of professional conduct ensure the credibility of a forensic psychiatric evaluation and the professionalism of a forensic psychiatrist expert.
A Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation includes in-depth interviews, but also uses collateral sources of information, addresses the possibility of malingering, psychiatric illness, and attempts to answer specific medical-legal (psychiatric) questions. While these evaluations are not used for treatment, they require objectivity performed outside of a treatment relationship.
Dr. Liana Hategan is board certified from the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law as a forensic psychiatrist.
She provides forensic psychiatric services for civil matters:
- Psychiatric Disability
- IMEs
- Social Security Disability
- Worker’s Compensation
- Fitness for Duty
- Malpractice
- Tort Claims-Multi-Plaintiff Litigation (Mass Torts)
- Testamentary Capacity